
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Kitten Pictures | Spay and Neuter

Remember the newborn kittens? They are five months old already. We knew that they would get spayed and neutered even before they were born. My family and I are advocates. M was a wreck. She hates taking her precious pets in to get surgery, but as much as she doesn't sleep the night before, she knows it's a good thing. As a matter of fact, originally we kept the momma cat because the person who wanted her refused to spay her. Of course, after the first few weeks of her living with us, she became part of the family and M couldn't part with her any longer. It all worked out for the best. The cat family has formed a close bond. They were even taken for their surgery together. They were also picked up together the following day.

They are still a rather united cat tribe. They function like a group. Sure, the mom occasionally hisses and even growls at her kittens, but she is also very protective and affectionate with them most of the time. She has completely accepted all of us dogs, from the largest to the naughtiest. Project cats and dogs united, copleted. We're an integrated home. Seven cats and four dogs, who would have thought! The outdoor cat enclosure helps a lot, with any crowding issues, plus all the cats absolutely love it out there. They take in the sun's rays, roll on their backs, trim their claws on actual tree trunks, and enjoy their fresh supply of cat grass that M has planted for them. Sometimes, little Pedro, the chihuahua puppy joins them out there, and that's when the laid back kittens jump up to higher levels where they cannot be reached; that's an accurate statement about most, but not all cats. Charlie, the tuxedo kitten remains Pedro's best friend. The two are inseparable and play well together. We can't wait until the kittens are over ten months old and get introduced to catnip. We wonder about the catnip effects and how the kittens will react to it.

Lil' Mama weighs 7lbs, the tuxedo kitten (Charlie, M's favorite) is 8lbs, the pointed kitten (Gigi Smudge) 7.4lbs, and the runt, the calico kitten named Puddles, weighs 6lbs.

Kitten pictures:

 Even after her spay surgery, Lil' Mama remains quite intense.

 We lucked out. While we (the dogs) don't like the deer antlers, Charlie is really fond of them.

 Puddles still spends her days lounging about looking pretty. She only gets upset when someone takes away her mirror.

The Smudge! A rather flighty almost feral kitten nobody likes to mess with.

Be kind, considerate, and responsible: Spay and neuter your pets!



  1. High paw to your mom! We are proud members of the spay neuter club ourselves! We welcome the newest kitty members!

    Wags and Licks,
    Mollie Jo & Bobo

  2. Great job on getting all of the kittens fixed. I had my Oskar-berries removed too!

    We'd love to see pics of the cat enclosure.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  3. 5 months old already? WOW...where does the time go?

  4. You guys sure do have a house full of adorable furry kids
    Benny & Lily

  5. Hi Twinkie! We have so missed being able to visit you - and boy we are excited to have come by on a kitten day! They are all so cute and so big now!! And it is so great to read that all of you are getting along so well now! We hope to come back soon and get to read a bit about you and the rest of the dogs too (we so hate being behind)!

  6. BOL -"from the largest to the naughtiest" - you have quite the way with words, Twink:)

    Glad to hear the kitties all dealt well with the snip snip. We are beginning to wonder if Pedro is part feline.

    You dogs don't like the antlers? We are trying to get the Momster to buy us some - they sure don't come cheap.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  7. It is pawesome that you all get along pretty well!
    Spay/Neuter is very important!
    Kisses and hugs

  8. What a handsome cat family. We can't have a mixed family because Abby has an unhealthy attraction to cats that would not be to the cats' benefit. But when mama had Great Danes, she also always had cats and they got along great. One of the female cats used to share a bed with a female Dane; they'd sunbathe together and the cat would wash the Dane's ears, then they'd curl up together and sleep.

    Jed & Abby

  9. Ma says she thinks that Charlie looks very smart with his tuxedo colours! We too are in the Spay & Neuter club! Ma gets super angry when people leave their pets entire "just cos". It makes her red with fury.

    Lil Mama looks like one scary kitty!

  10. Oh no! You'll give my Humans ideas, Twink! I keep hearing them talking about snipping me and Knuckles... and it's pretty scary talk!


  11. Hi Twinky, my mom is thinking to spay me, because she knows is important, but she need a little push to take the correct desicion. Chikisses Peggy

  12. The kitties are all quite cute!
    Yes I agree neuter and spay, all the way!
