
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Attention Spaghetti's Friends

Ooops, I meant to say, Linguini's friends. This past weekend, our spotted girl, Linguini, the 11.5 year old dalmatian mix, became severely ill--notice it was the weekend again. She developed incontinence of . . . oh well, all orifices.
First thing Monday morning, we took her to the dog vet.  After a thorough check up, including a liver panel to make sure that the Rimadyl she's on long term did not cause any damage, Linguini was pronounced quite healthy (considering her advanced dog arthritis). She was prescribed  stronger pain meds to be taken sparingly ONLY as needed. She was also prescribed an anti-inflamatory drug to keep her from having dog diarrhea. She was already on DES for her incontinence, but her dosage was increased.
We're still waiting for the culture, but for now the dog vet was pretty clear:


The Happy End


  1. Shiloh'n Shasta - oh that iza most stependus diagnosis. So glad tu hear that Linguini is duin'well. Duz she get any treatz - any nummiez? May-b she wuz tryin'tu tell u that she needed a treat.

  2. the best dx for a senior doggie to have :-)

  3. aahhh poor Linguini. She has a good excuse to be a drama queen
    Benny & Lily

  4. oh linguini, your no drama queen just in need of some attention wiffout having to share it wiff the wee doggies right? they need to weespect their elders

    pibble sugars and wee wiggles
    the pittie pack

  5. We can think of a humans who would fit that diagnosis....
    Toodle pip!
    Bertie and Gail.

  6. Heck of a way to get attention! :O So glad the drama queen is okey dokey! :D


  7. We thinks that since she is 11.5 years old, she can be a Drama Queen. Way to keep them on their toes Linguini. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

  8. Awww poor Spaghetti... I mean Linguini! Sounds like a good way to get attention!
    Hope she feels better!

  9. Twinkie
    I was afwaid of the stuff the dogtow might say, but a diagnosis of Dwama Queen sounds good to me
    I hope the new doses of meds help Linguini. I think at that age you can sometime have the wight to be a dwama queen
    smoochie kissess

  10. How did we miss this yesterday? We can't have Linguini feeling any discomfort. She and Phantom must have been in cahoots as he was quite the ill boy this weekend too:( It's OK to be a Drama Queen, but don't scare all of us.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  11. Aww...I hope she is all better.

  12. Hello Twinkie!

    So sorry we have not been around. We are happy to read about Linguini being ok.

    We do hope that like spaghetti, Linguini will be with us for a looooong looooong time.

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie
