In any case, I decided to give meaning to the pose and admit (lie) that I was watching the filming of the video you're about to view. After it was a wrap, then we had pizza, JackDaddy, and ice cream, Remington, and steaks, Fiona, and yes, a cute Pug walked by too, Salinger. I was slightly touched when Sonic said he thought we smelled something really nice. He's a stinker that one and I didn't expect him to use the words "nice" and "smell" in the same sentence.
The pathetic truth: I love aaaaall your comments. Yup, yup, that's right and don't you forget. Every day, our pack can't wait to shove M off her computer chair so we can read your posts and comments.
Here's the video we shot last. It's about safety awareness, if you haven't left yet. I was just pulling all your legs. Hope you like!