I, Twinkie, my dogs and humans, miss you! Time has become quite the luxury and we interrupted our blog abruptly. Even though things haven't changed much, I decided to take matters into my own paws. I hopped on M's computer to give you a quick update. First however, I want to make sure you can see our quickie posts on Facebook from the sidebar. Look at the right column, other right!
With the exception of one of our kittens, Gigi Smudge, we're all doing great. Miss Gigi packed her bags and left us in the middle of the night. She was never happy here. She had been nicknamed, The Shadow, because that's all we got to see of her.
One of Gigi's last photos
M wants to think that The Shadow lives at our barn and comes home at night to eat. We all humor her and agree. Now that that's out of the way and the cat is out of the bag, the good news! And it's all good from here.
We have two half brothers! M met Mr. M who had two doggies, aka The Boyz:
Bubba, aka Cujo
Rocket, aka Smiley
As for the rest of the gang: All kittehs, young and old, rule at night.
All of us doggies, just rule!
Senior Dog Linguini, the spotted girl, is turning 15 on November 1st. As an old geezer, she enjoys special privileges. She pretty much does whatever she wants. She also owns prime real estate, at the foot of M's bed. She is completely senile and happy all the time. I hope we all get old like that! It's pawesome, really.
BOL. This little dog is the cause of lots of laughter at my household
Frankie, our brindle Chiweenie, the Canine Good Citizen, is having a great time. She's happy, healthy, loves everyone, especially food, and she listens well.
Last, but certainly not least, there's ME. The Twink! I'm still tiny, but only when compared to the Danes. I personally feel as mighty as ever. A couple of months ago, I suffered a stroke, which made it appear as if I were d-e-d. I was just checking to see how much I was loved. When I was satisfied, I came to. I got to milk the situation for quite a while. I am a diva. I too now share prime real estate in M's bedroom; not just one but two small dog beds! I am Twinkie Tiny Dog, HEAR ME ROAR!!!
If you would pardon me now
it's my turn to do the dishes
Love you all....
PS: We're turning comments off, because it's unclear when we'll have the time to respond next. I hope to resume blogging . . . as soon as possible!