Outdoor Cat Enclosure
a.k.a The Cat Palace
Cat Enclosure on the left & Finch Cage on the right
Strategically located so that both species can get their exercise
Inside view of the outdoor cat enclosure
We will be adding colorful toys and beds and scratching surfaces soon
The outdoor cat enclosure was a minor annoyance. I had to hang out and watch M working for a day. I didn't get to go on a hike, but it was just one day, so I didn't mind much. Besides, I liked the fact that the cats would have something to do other than chase me, the brindle chiweenie around the house. Now, I've mustered the courage to speak of the unspeakable!
The real reason I do NOT like the newborn kittens:
I was used as a . . . DEMO kitten!!!
My otherwise beloved dog vet, used me, Frankie, a dog, a brindle chiweenie to be precise, as a means to demonstrate how to administer deworming medication for the kittens.
Silly kittens. They're getting bigger and louder every day. I feel sorry for their mom. The following kitten video proves it. Turn the volume down.