[Updated Wednesday 3/31/10]
The links to the "GABE giveaway posts" are being emailed to twinkietinydogATaolDOTcom.
[Updated Tuesday 3/23/10]
Wonderful post about GABE from Dory! Easy to understand and informative.
[Updated Monday 3/22/10]
A new user friendly post about GABE: GABE for Dummies
[Updated Friday 3/19/10]
Woof! I just visited The Amazing Animal Lovers' amazing blog and got a nice surprise. The title alone humbled me. I may sound cocky often but the truth is I'm very sensitive and appreciative. Anyway, the post is titled It's All About Twinkie and they are helping spread the word about GABE through their followers. Thank you, Deborah!
[Updated Thursday 3/18/10]
I thought I was helping a new furiend, Mhathy, place a translator on her page (she writes in Español) when a. I realized she already had one, and b. I didn't. BOL And then it dawned on me! If this is going to be GLOBAL we should use the translators. We should get them installed permanently. After looking around, I found the following link to be the simplest and most helpful.
[Updated Monday 3/15/10]
I have noticed that many of your pawrents are artistically inclined to say the least. I want to inform you that we are joining forces with many incredible artists thanks to our furiend Mabel Lou over at Creekhiker. Mabel's momma is an amazing lamp worker. She is also a Fire Diva, for the savvy.
One more thing I would like to say about Mabel's momma. She creates gorgeous memorial beads containing the cremains of our beloved departed. You can find more info HERE.
[Updated Saturday 3/13/10b]
G.A.B.E.'s B.A.D.G.E.
The HTML way
At last, after many failed experiments I got a code for your sidebar!
1. Click on CUSTOMIZE, to go to your blog's layout,
2. Click on ADD A GADGET on your sidebar
3. Scroll down until you see HTML/JavaScript, click on it
4. Leave the Title blank. In the CONTENT box paste this code:
<a href="" target="_blank"/><img alt="Photo" and border="��0��" photobucket� src=" " hosting at sharing video /></a>
The I Need a Sugar Fix way aka The Picture way
1. Grab the photo of your choice (located just below)
2. Copy it on your computer
3. Click CUSTOMIZE on your blog
4. Click on ADD A GADGET on your sidebar
5. Scroll down until you see PICTURE, select it
6. In the LINK box, enter:
7. Select IMAGE/From your computer, locate the file
The badges:
For your POST

Take your pick and spread the word. The more the merrier!
[Updated Saturday 3/13/10]
I Need a Sugar Fix is the first blog to place the GABE badge on their sidebar and the first to post about the event too! (they even beat my M to it) Cheers! Let's rock the animal blog-dom.
Keep thinking about giveaways and looking for updates. The next update is going to give you more helpful info on the badges. Those of you who are savvy, if you can get the badge below to link to this page, go for it, otherwise wait for codes and instructions.
[Updated Friday 3/12/10]
We have a badge! Ann from Zoolatry came up with this exquisite and fitting badge for G.A.B. E. I hope you love it as much as I did. I will update later to give you information and instructions for those interested.
Fabulous job Ann! It's purrrfect!
The official badge!
[Updated Wednesday 3/10/10]
Date of event: April 1st - April 18th
Links accepted: March 31 - April 10
PASSIVE PARTICIPANTS -- those who won't be giving away anything
All you need to do, come view the links I will be uploading. Leave one comment at the blogs that are Active Participants. Wait until the 18th to see if you won any of the giveaways.
ACTIVE PARTICIPANTS -- giveaway blogs
You should place the badge (not yet provided) to your sidebar. Then prepare a post informing your readers that you're participating in the event. Tell them what you are giving away. (Here is a link to use as an example. It's an old link of mine when I participated in a similar event. I was giving away one of my books every 50 comments. I got 151 comments and chose three winners). Add the badge to your post and mail me the link to your post to publish along with all the other participating blogs, on or after the 31st of March. I suggest you send me all the links asap because if this becomes huge the top links will get the most visits.
On the 18th, at the end of the event, you have to pick your winner and contact them to get their address. You are responsible for mailing your giveaway(s).
That's it! All participants (active and non) get to visit all kinds of wonderful blogs from around the world, meet new furiends, find
* * * * * * * *
Heads up, furiends. I'm preparing the 1st Annual International Animal Blogging Event. It will take place, right here, on this blog, beginning April 1st and ending on April 18th, when all the winners will be announced. I will accept links March 31- April 10th. We can all come together and have lots of fun. The rules are quite simple. If you want to participate, you to have to place the event's logo on your sidebar, email me a link to the post with the event's logo (yes same logo but on your actual post) and instructions for your readers. You just have to figure out your one or more giveaways--that's up to you. I will then glance at your post and if it's G-rated and satisfies the two conditions, I'll post it on my blog for all the others to share and be able to visit with ease. Those of you who don't want to give away anything, can still participate. You can just use the links to get to meet new furiends and if you like, leave a comment (only one per post) so that you can become eligible to get the giveaway. This is a blogging event for bloggers. This is important as we, the active participants, will need to contact you at the end of the event to find out where to mail the prizes. We are all going to be winners here. We'll either gain new friends or prizes or both.
Until then: TELL ALL YOUR FURIENDS! When I say anything, I mean anything from tiny Sugar Gliders, to crazy coyotes. SPREAD THE WORD and let's have some fun!
I am looking for a cool badge/logo and a catchy name/acronym (such as: International Animal Blogging Event/IABE, or All Critters United/ACU etc). Since I came to you my close furiends feel free to brainstorm with me.
Oh, you may wanna check out my post on a different world wide bloggers' event, One World One Heart from which I got my inspiration, and for which I am grateful. Here's the link: OWOH