My family has been too busy recently and we haven't really had a day off in a while. When M was invited to Gladstone's of Malibu for lunch yesterday, she decided she could use a little time off, so she grabbed Frankie and me and off we went. We went to Malibu and more specifically Gladsone's, a landmark restaurant.
Finding a dog beach was not a priority since M isn't one to obey rules. She even snuck us inside the restaurant. Sorry, no photos available since we were "under cover". All you need to know is, the carry-on's zipper often came undone as M's hand offered us dog treats from the table. [Dog training tip #1: always behave and softly gaze upon the diners lovingly] Yum! I wasn't too anxious to get to the dog beach since I was already in heaven nibbling on calamari.
We moved outside to enjoy the sunshine and cool breeze and to allow us, the smuggled ones, to stretch our limbs. [Dog training tip #2: gently stretch inside the carry on, demonstrating how restricted your movement is, and don't forget the adorable look] M and company were discussing the Pacific Coast Highway robbery after receiving an abominable price gouging that was as offensive as the entire experience, with the exception of our skilled and sweet waitress.
Oh, the sun felt good!
It had been heated from the sun and doubled as a most appropriate heating pad alternative
Of course, the brat had to scope out the situation first
What if there were any Chimeanies around?

Yikes, she finally emerged and blocked my sun
[Dog training tip #3: look exasperated and some human will oblige and remove the "obstacle" as they did with Frankie! I tell you, these dog training tips work!]
After we got kicked out of the deck, because Gladstone's of Malibu has become a rather unfriendly place under their new management, and I don't mean just to us dogs, we moved down to the beach. There were no signs that required us to be on leash, so Frankie and I went wild. It was our first visit to the beach ever! [Dog training tip #4: look longingly towards the direction you want your humans to take you, over and over, until you catch their eye]
Hasta la vista, Gladstone's of Malibu
I'll share more about it and specifically the dog beach tomorrow, but I think I made my point. Forget the old glorious Gladstone's of Malibu (aka Gladstone's 4 Fish). It's gone. Heck, even the staple peanuts they offered by the barrel are gone. For those who have never been, let me explain that Gladstone's used to be a pretty simple beach restaurant with a hippy vibe and a ton of peanut shells all over the ground. With the peanuts gone and the silly rules that vary from one area of the establishment to the next, it's become just a plain tourist trap, and we're no tourists! We're all informed bloggers.
Grumpy restaurant management... so dumb! We hate when good places change. The beach sounds fun and exciting, glad you were such good pups and enjoyed yourself.
I'll pass along the training tips to the kiddlets... I tried a carrier for Captain and he was less then amused with it. Maybe he'll rethink?
xo martine & the kiddlets
Bah! All restaurants should have places where we dogs can join in! I'll keep in mind not to go there if I ever get to California. Mom says not to hold my breath on that one, though. I have to be honest, the thing that would draw me in would be that beach! I don't even like fish (and it makes us all sick)!
You're making me a little paranoid about those Chimeanies, though! I am starting to wonder if they're lurking everywhere!
Well excuse us.. hanging out I Malibu. We know that area well Our friend went to that Pepperdine place. You do look like stars hanging out onthe deck. Hope you had a great time
Benny & Lily
You must wear dark sunglasses in Malibu since you are a star now. I mean seriously did they NOT know you were a famous columnist. Sheez, stoopid hoomans.
I'm catching a flight out there to go to da beach with yall's
Mommi says she wemembews FGladstones fwom when she lived in LA a billion yeaws ago(bof she and Daddi went to UCLA) anyway, they sound wotten if they don't love you and appweciate youw pwesence which would make any westauwant bettew!!!
I'm glad you got to soak up some sun and wun wild on the beach. Thank you fow the tips too
smoochie kisses
you undercover woggies should join our PTO Society we could use your talents so furry much
have you ever thought about a career in TAKING OVER THE WOILD! BUWAHA HAHAHA
(sorry we went off topic there)
gweat undercoverness
its so lovely to see that you enjoy the sunshine :)
El'bow & Hauwii
Thank you very much for all the tips, Twink. I was taking notes in my head. I don't think my mom could smuggle me into a restaurant cuz I'm pretty sure one of those big roll-around luggage thingies would attract attentions. Not to mention that I think I might kinda forgets that I was s'posed to be all quiet and stuff.
I can't wait to hear all abouts the dog beach!
Wiggles & Wags,
Sounds like the new management needs retraining. Whatever happenend to "The customer is always right"?
I am pretty sure that The Herd will never be "smuggled" anywhere. Just saying.
LOL! I love your tips!
Grrrreat tips Twinkie. I certainly hope you PEED on the floor before you left that most rude establishment!!!!
Love the pics of you hanging out on the sunny deck :) Too bad that new management has to be cranky :(
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Thanks Twink,
Well the next time we're in that area, we'll remember no to go there! But the sun sure looked good!
Riley and Star.
I'm super jealous that you have beach access nearby. I miss the ocean, but we are hoping to get the dogs to the beach this summer. I hope they don't train me too much. :)
Thank you for the restaurant review. We would not want to go to anyplace that would not allow well behaved little puffins like you and Frankie to be part of the scene! It is sad when a fun old place gets uppity new owners. BOO!
We are looking forward to seeing your beach action shots!! Hugs and xoxo-es from Toby, Ginger, Jeter & Halle
And now for a future advise column question
Dear Twinkie Twinkelicious Cutie Patootie Bella Dorita Margarita, Where you get your fabulous wardrobe and accessories and who is your favorite dog-signer? Wondering in Alaska, Toby, Ginger, Jeter and Halle
Twinkie: are you a pro? cuz you sure sound like one. a professional trainer that is. NOOOO... not the "other" kind of pro. geesh. I'd never suggest that of Loki's favorite cyber-chi.
wild dingo
Informative review and good fings for us to know!
I fink we should all be informed when a good stablishment gone wrong and vice versa.
Speakin for me and the Bleu, we behave MUCH better than the childrens in most restaurants what exculde us!
In fact, the Mom some time fink she should take air horn (like they have when doggy day care scuffles) on Friday evenin dinner excursions... to bring the people children into line!
Just sayin.
wif love from the Luke
My Mom used to be a California girl and has happy memories of Gladstones :) It was nice to see the photos and read this post!
Grumpy Gladstone aside, you guys are SO lucky out there in CA. SO much more dog-friendly in general! Other than Petsmart and the like, there's no way anyone would let mom bring me in anywhere. Even if she got a bowling-ball bag for me (she always jokes that's what it would take to carry my muscular, compact self), we'd never be able to have enough stealth to pull it off!
Brutus the Frenchie
Same as the Herd for us, no way would we ever be able to sneak in a restaurant. That place sure wasn't very nice. But the beach, that must have been great - we have never been to a beach but we think we would love it from all we see on so many blogs. If we ever get to LA, we will have to let you give us some tips on where to go:)
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
miss twinkie,
i wish i was tiny like you so i could hide in my mama's bag and get yummy foodables!!
the booker man
Hey, I won't go there either! LOL
Hope all is well with you! GABE is going great!!!!
We have met A LOT of new friends! Good Job Twinkie!
I can't sneak in anywhere either. At least with the improved weather I can plan on a trip or two to the Starbucks in Sayville with the outdoor tables. That's kind of it, though, and I think it's wrong, wrong, wrong! Living the California life does look pretty nice, Grumpy Gladstone's aside.
wags, Lola
Please put me in the same kholumn as The Herd and The OP KS Pakhk -
I will not be smuggled!
Unlike the herd, the OP Pack and Khyra, I will gladly be smuggled around if it means treats from human food restaurants!
You are so lucky to be tiny enough to be smuggled around. You must have a lot more great stories about your undercover adventures.
Hi, Twinkie!
Glad you, Frankie and your Mom had a nice time off!
Sorry about those rules!
Kisses and hugs
Thanks for the restaurant tip...we are so not ever going there!!!
Also...those dog tips rock!!!
No one likes grumpy restaurants! I'm glad you got some wonderful time to lay in the sun once you got Frankie moved out of the way. We are supposed to get rain the next few days. :-(
Mr. Nubbin'
Awww... That's such a pity! I remember back then when I used to be in LA and Gladstones used to be one of my favorite spots :(
At least you got a chance to run around Malibu beach so it's not all that bad!
As for the restaurant, I bet they'll change it back to the way it used to be soon enough!
<3 you Twinkie
I hope you enjoyed your sunny day :)
You look so very cute!
Love, Bella.
Hi Twinkie thanks for the info on the very unfriendly (not too)Gladstone's pooh on them!! Seems more and more al fresca joints here that used to be dog friendly are being penalized by the DOH if they allow dogs. I really don't understand the pooches are outside totally way from the kitchen sitting by their owners not eating out of the diner's plates????!!!!
Hugs Madi and Mom
Twink there is an invite on my blog for you....on my update on date night post. I don't know if you got it any other way or not...just wanted to let you know.
Thanks for the review Twinkie.
Love Ruby & Penny
Pees - we can't wait to see the pics of you & Frankie running on the beach.
Even though it didn't go as planned sounds like it was a fun time anyway!
What very good training tips!! I will put them to use.
oh, we has a good doggy place round here it very nice to go in the restaurant. It has a sign saying dogs very welcome and another one saying HAPPY children welcome. BOL.
I like your dog training tips. My dogs already have mastered #4 because I've learned that their destination is almost always more interesting than mine!
Oh, it would be fun to have a small dog to sneak into restaurants and other places. A Lab remains small enough for sneaking until they're about 8 wks old. Then, it's all over!
But, I forgot, we did once sneak our first pair of dogs out of our rental house in duffel bags. They were each 70 lbs - so each got one HUGE duffel bag. The problem was that we'd snuck them home from their kennel runs (long story) without asking permission of our landlords. We woke up to find the landlords settled in to garden outside our door for the day. That's when the duffel bags came in handy! That night, we asked permission to have dogs - and got it! The rest is history!
I don't know why more places are not dog friendly. Hmm...
Looks very pretty there though.
Sorry you had a bad experience, Twinkie. I think we should rename it Sadstone's.
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