It's a dog blog, a cat blog, a cat and dog blog. Fun, reviews, dog training tips . . .

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wordless Wednesday Postponed For An Update

On Monday, I told you about our senior dog's, Linguini's grave illness over the weekend. We were worried she would be going to the rainbow bridge soon. She was lame, in excruciating pain, drained, and weak from a challenging weekend.
Tuesday was a brand new day! M was on her way back from Petco when, two doors down from our home, she noticed the Pasadena Humane Society Truck with all its lights flashing. No, it was NOT a mountain lion sighting. It was a spotted dog retrieval mission.
Linguini, partially named after Houdini, had ESCAPED AGAIN.

M got a lovely Case Number and a WARNING.

Linguini is being renamed Lazarous and her vet has been proclaimed Dog Vet of the Century!!!

Once again, thanks to Linguini, our household is black listed with the Pasadena Humane Society. The good news is: the fugitive was apprehended on the spot, get it? SPOT! BOL

Another happy end to a Linguini adventure.



♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Whew, good timing on the part of M. At least the jail garb would coordinate well with Linguini's furs:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

HoundDogMom said...

We thinks we could all use some of those good drugs she is in. She is feeling frisky for sure. So glad she was captured with M near by. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Thank Goodness Linguini is going to make it for some more time!! How old is Linguini?? Our old girl is 13 years and 6 months old and she is a big girl too!!
She rocks between 45 lbs and 47 lbs.
xx, Bambi & Fern

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Yay! Well, yay that she's feeling good enough to go commit felonies. Not so yay on the actual arrest part... Many (many) moons ago Mom got a ticket when TaiChi and Billy bit a Mormon missionary. Apparently that is why we are always totally legal and up to date on our licenses...

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

brooke said...

Go Linguini! :)

JacksDad said...

And who called animal control in the first place?

Scooter said...

Hey Linguini!
Wow, way to keep the peeps on their toes! Sometimes a pup just needs a little freedom! Glad you're feeling better.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Dexter said...

Does that mean she is feeling frisky again? Way to go.


Two French Bulldogs said...

good thoughts sent to Linguini
Benny & Lily

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

We're way behind on reading blogs, so first, we're so glad Linguini is feeling better. As to the Linguini Houdini act, mama can recommend lining every inch of the inside of the fence with concrete blocks, held in place with iron re-bars. Works for Abby, anyway. Unless Linguini is a climber, not a digger?

Jed & Abby

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for great vets! Silly Linguini Houdini home is far better than the humane society! Shakin my head.


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