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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ziggy's Fall

Ziggy's Fall
M was taking care of the duck pond.
Ziggy, the three-month-old Great Dane puppy, was helping out that day. He took a big step over the ditch and . . . 

 THUD! In he went!

Poor baby got a boo boo. . .

He was dazed for a few minutes, but then he forgot all about his little adventure!



Oskar said...

Poor baby!

Nubbin wiggles,

Stella said...

Ziggy looks dazed on that last photo. I hope he is fine now.

Cute duckies!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hope he heals quickly - poor guy.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder,and Ciara

brooke said...

Oohh poor Ziggy!

Droopy, Smiley, and Kayah said...

Oh poor Ziggy! He'll learn to control those long gnagly legs!

The CheeseHounds

Pup Fan said...

Poor kid!

Anonymous said...

Oh my I sure am glad that Ziggy is ok!

That sure looks like one BIG hole he fell in!

Your Mom and baby ducks are very cute too!

woos, Tessa

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Wow! That's a great shot of Mallory!!!

Poor Ziggy! Hope he's all better now!

Anonymous said...

Ah poor Ziggy! He looks rather embarrassed post fall in the ivy ;) Cute lil guy :D Glad he just got a wee boo boo from his misadventure :)

Waggin at ya,

Remi said...

Awww. I bet he'll steer clear of that ditch for a while. He'll probably be walking right over it in another couple months.

Linda K said...

Poor Ziggy. Hope he steers clear of the "ditch" in the future!

Chester said...

Hiya Twink! I love the duck picture - perfect timin' on the shutter! AND although it was not good for Ziggy to be in the ditch any longer than necessary, I'm glad you took a quick second to snap the shutter again before rescuin' him. I hope his boo-boo is a small one and doesn't traumatize him for future walks. Poor little fella!

Woofs and traumatizin' slobbers,
Chester ;0=)

Road Dog Tales said...

Hope Ziggy is okay! Such a cutie! And speaking of CUTE - Mom thinks those baby ducks are adorable.

The Road Dogs

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