Okay, maybe not so much. Gentle Giants do not need as much exercise as we lil' dogs do. They mostly eat (mucho), drink, and sh... a-lot. Oh, they also hiccup all the time.
It's a dog blog, a cat blog, a cat and dog blog. Fun, reviews, dog training tips . . .
Twinkie, we have heard that everytime they hiccup they are growing an inch. And the way they are growing we can tell they hiccup a lot. BOL....Sniffs, The HoundDogs
Some buddy wuvs dat mat. Hiccup??? Me hiccups a lot and burps a lot too. Wonder why dat happens? BOL
Oh my that is the funniest pic I have ever seen. How do such big pups get into such awkward pawsitions???
woos, Tessa
As long as they don't hiccup and poop at the same time, you should be OK:)
Gotta love those long legs and floppy ears:)
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
OMG! So CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love Ziggy!
Ah, yes, the celebrated baby Dane hiccups! They will eventually outgrow that. And pretty soon he'll fill up the entire Pilates mat :)
Jed & Abby
Mom's SO in love...
Hi Twinkie! WE have missed seeing all of you while we have been in visiting exile! And oh, those are such cute pictures - and hiccups - well - we have to admit sometimes us cats get them too.
Hi Twink!!
We was just reading up everything we've missed. Everybody is so cute. Love the plank pictures. Couldn't hardly see the peep with all you doggies on it
I get hiccups all the time. Mommy says a teaspoon of mustand works every time. It might works for peeps but I don't know about doggies.
{{{huggies}}}....Mona & Weenie
haha - Is that "downward dog" position? BOL
The Road Dogs
That's some good exercise right there!
You look so comfortable in there.
Cassy from Learn How To Read Tablature
Some magnificent stretching being demonstrated.
Just stopping by to say hello and hope all is well there.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
He must have had a king he was trying to work out!
Olá... achei voce lindo.
Estou te seguindo. Venha conhecer meu blog. Moro no Brasil e sou YORK e chamo KIPPY. Gosto de te amigos do mundo inteiro.
Te espero com alegria.
Seja meu amigo seguidor também -
( FOLLOWERS - MY BLOGGER ) . Ficarei feliz.
Aus 1000 com amor...
Are you ok? How big are the baby Danes now?
Jed & Abby
Here we are again to say hello and hope all is well. We miss you.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Hey Twink and family.... things okay with you? Some of us bloggers are a little worried. Hope all is well!
heya Twink! Haven't seen hide nor hair of you in a while. Mom and Me REALLY wanna see how big da-danes are by now.
Hope all is well
wags, wiggles & slobbers
hi, chihuahua is my dogs , this i love best. i love it
Twink now you need to show your mommy some Doggy yoga so she can see what yoga is REALLY about!
I wanted to let you know about a special book review and contest that I just posted about. I sure would love you to participate and would also hope that you would spread the word!
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess
It's an intrusting and informative article.It's related to the dog bed.I read and really impressed from your topic.I like and saved and share with my friends .Thanks for submitting..
Twink: we miss you!!
Where have you been Twink?
Nubbin wiggles,
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