I bet you all know by now that I've been obsessing about Biggie Z's Dog Pile Contest, a dog photo contest with an extra challenge, for a while now. I've visited your posts, made jokes of your attempts, challenged you, teased you... And now, it's time for you to have at it.
This is how it all started. A bit of human dialogue as overheard by me:
Mother (matter of fact): We're going to decorate the Twink.
Daughter (clueless): Huh?
Mother (exasperated): You know, for the Big Pile dog photo contest, an event sanctioned by the Mango Minster 2010.
Daughter (more clueless and slightly concerned): Huh?
Mother (fed up): Oh, just hold the camera!
Daughter (obviously worried about Mother): HUH?
Mother (unwavering): Take some photos, go on, 'cause ya never know with the Twink.
After her last statement, Mother approached me holding an enormous (okay, small) basket in her hand. Oh, boy, I thought and lied on my side. I thought of all my furiends who meditate and practice yoga and I started to relax.

What do you mean, I don't look relaxed?
Momma proceeded to adorn me, not with love this time.

And this is what they did to me!

And this!

And this!
My Official Dog Photo Contest Entry
Name: Twinkie
Breed: Definitely confused Chi byproduct
Approximate size: Tiny, duh! Okay, surface square footage, 8x3 feet (inches) lying on my long side. Weight, just under 4lbs on a good day and after a big meal. I am however impressively tall for my size.
NOT PHOTOSHOPPED, although we did enlarge my photo a bit, for the judge's sake
***Disclaimer: No animals were harmed during the photo-shoot, really.
TA-DA! for all the skeptics out there
List of items:
1. teapot lid (on my head)
2. compass
3. pool cue chalk
4. horse-drawn carriage
5. large watch
6, 7: teacups
8,9: teacup plates
10: coffee pot
11: water jug
12: emery nail stick
13: lock
14: floss
15: thimble
16: other floss
17, 18: skateboards
I would kindly ask Your Honor to take into consideration the extreme difficulty level of my brave undertaking due to my challenged size and my TDPD (Tiny Dog Personality Disorder)
Muchas gracias and good luck to all!
Oh wow, that sure is a lot of stuff on you! We are so impressed that you didn't move, our kitties wouldn't sit so nicely while things were getting piled on them.
Oh BTW, our mommy said, if you buy the Cigar Nip, they sell them at Petco for cheaper than online, she thinks like $5.
Or you can get them at Amazon for a great price.
Good luck on the contest!
Wow, Twink! That is an impressive pile! And now I know you're in the sporty category in MM, I'm really worried...
You provide such inspiration to Captain Crunch... however we do not have little tiny items like your mom has at our house, thus we can't participate. Plus we have put Captain through enough torture this weekend by making him test out some baby items... he is a good sport, but not sure he would be up for a pile on contest at this point.
We think you should win because you are just too cute!
xo martine & the kiddlets
Certainly impressive, WAY better than our entry! Definitely brave of you to sit still for all that!
But I want to know... Why does your momma have all those weird tiny things?? The little skateboards are pretty funny - bet you could use those as roller skates!! Having a hard time finding the horse-drawn carriage, though. Mom is happy to see the floss there too - please make sure she uses it BOL!!
Twink! unbelievable! what an inspiration! we were too naughty and could not enter the contest...we kept moving. we are bad doggies! that was most impressive--well done little gooseberry!
aww twinkie love
that was just what we expected from you
you should definately win
and are'nt you so brave to hold all that weight for so many piksures.
gweat job
we're rooting for you
wiggles and lotsa pibble sugar
the houston pittie pack
Awww. Twink,
Great stay for the dog pile, I was like you just laying on my pillow and mom laid all this stuff on me and covered up my whole body. I laid still for a pic. LAter she tried to do it again to see if she could get more stuff on and by then I was onto her and there was NO WAY that was happening again.
That's great, Twink - good luck with your entry. We bet all those items weigh more than you do.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
impressive Twink!
Do you drink tea out of the tiny tea set?!
Oh no, how embarrassing! Parents just don't understand.
WooHoo what a great pile...I think you should win. We will surely vote for you Twink!
PS I would have to be sedated to have that stuff on me :)
Twink, you have the biggest personality I know! No way are you challenged with that! I think your entry is most impressive! I wish you lots of good luck!
Twink, you have the biggest personality I know! No way are you challenged with that! I think your entry is most impressive! I wish you lots of good luck!
Twink, you have the biggest personality I know! No way are you challenged with that! I think your entry is most impressive! I wish you lots of good luck!
Twink, you have the biggest personality I know! No way are you challenged with that! I think your entry is most impressive! I wish you lots of good luck!
I can't believe it!
Good luck!
Kisses and hugs
TWINKIE!!! You are amazing!! I am soooooo very much proud of you. I know you will win!!! And well you should. I think you are a
CHI-WAH-WOW!!! I'm just sayin'.
TWINKIE!!! You are amazing!! I am soooooo very much proud of you. I know you will win!!! And well you should. I think you are a
CHI-WAH-WOW!!! I'm just sayin'.
That is twooly a miwacoolous and vewy impwessive piling on..I can't believe youw patience and good hoomow in letting youw mom do this..I shoowe think you desewve a win!!!!
And btw. I think you have a pawfect pawsonality..no disowdew
smoochie kisses
WOW!!! Impressive!!! That's a LOT of crap piled onto your tiny self!!! You're a shoe-in for the win!
BTW, mom laughed and said that she and her roomates used to do this to each other in college on the very very rare (haha) occasion that one of them MIGHT have had a bit too much to drink.
Good luck Twink!
Oh boy...that is a lot of stuff. Good luck!
You really do NOT look to impressed with all that stuff on you Twink..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Tech decks???
You tell those humans of yours that the Twinkster is NOT a skate ramp!
I have no idea why you would allow that but since you did, I'm impressed! I won't even let my PUs put a biscuit on my nose
I hope you win!
Woofs and slobbers,
Chester ;0=)
Sometimes small pakhkages khan hold lots of things!
Wrooo wrooo Twink!!!
We are speechless...which rarely happens!
Way to go Little Friend!
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
Bravo! Twink, that is a lot o' crap piled on your little body! I thought I saw a glimpse of a snarl on your face though, just a little one... tee hee. You're a woman on the edge, ain't ya? bol!
Haha, poor Twink, you should get a prize for being most patient dog on earth. You must have had to sit really still to balance all those things, good luck!
Wags and kisses, Dinah Bridget and Elliot xx
ps, do we have a bathing suit season in England? I thought there were 4 days every year where we can officially take our coat off, lol.
OM dawg, this HAS to win!
i love your TDPD disorder by the way. TDPD is the new black.
wild dingo
We have not even attempted to enter this contest because we would so fail. Our humans would probably not achieve one object - on any of the six of us.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww, it's all tiny items and so perfect for tiny you, Twink!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Twinkie! You beat me for sure. I had to go with an artistic theme because I did not want to be still for so many things. You are amazing.
Oh Tink you are so funny! Where did you get all that little stuff? Rob somebody's doll house?? Ahahaha! Love you buddy!
You are just the sweetest little thing. I'm glad you weren't weighted down like I was---you'd be gasping for breath!
Twinkie Madi and I are IMPRESSED!!!
How in the world did yous sit still for all of the decorations? Good Job. You are a very patient young lady with good balance.
Madi and Mom
The big question - did they drug you to get you to hold still with so many fun things propped all over you? Or, are you the most amazingly well trained dog that I've ever seen, and you held a down-stay for this extravaganza?
In any case, I give up. You win!
Amazing demonstration of balance and concentration!
Amazing demonstration of balance and concentration!
hello twinkie its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow a bilt in kompass??? brillyant!!! now yoo wil always no wot direkshun yoo ar going!!! ok bye
Twink...you are my hero!!! What a brave, brave dog you are...that is SO much stuff!!
Twink! We have an award for you on the blog! Check it out!
BOL, the look on your face in the 3rd picture cracks me up! :-D
You are so cute, Twink!
BOL.....Oh my dog!!! What a great jog for a little one. Skateboards and everything
Benny & Lily
Didn't that get too heavy for little you?
Wow, Twinkie, I think you are a miracle to hold 18 things on your tiny self.
I couldn't manage five without moving!
You ARE amazing!
You ARE totally AMAZING!!! There is NO WAY we would have held still for all that stuff to be piled on us! You are a VERY competitive tiny dog and we wish you LOTS of luck in MM2010!
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