It's a dog blog, a cat blog, a cat and dog blog. Fun, reviews, dog training tips . . .

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Attention All Insane Cracker Dogs

The honorable Judge Twink presiding

I hope you're all getting you entries ready for Mango Minster 2011
I promise to be "gentle" (evil bol)

I have been provoked by the Relentlessly Huge and I must admit, he knows exactly which buttons to push, therefore (this is top secret), let me give you a piece of my mind. 

Where I stand on BRIBES: 

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Bribes are sweet
Send them care of The Twink


All bribes are final. No take backs. All bribes must also be cyber-bribes. If you use my pee-mail, I shall hunt you down and mail you:

THIS to your home address.

Any questions?

Twinkie V. Twinkerson

United Pet Blogdom District Judge


Two French Bulldogs said...

We will watch Lil diablo Pedricko for 1 week
Benny & Lily


Lola and also Franklin, too said...

So you're the Cracker Dog judge? It's a pawsome repsonsibility. I hope you get some fabulous bribes. I'm thinking of entering in the Diva class, but I think there'll be lots of competition.

LailaSmith01 said...
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Dexter said...

Golly Twink, I bet you are going to really clean up. Way to go.


Those Elgin Pugs said...

Me's not taking 'da brides.. nope..
not me's.. Hmmmm... uh uh.. no sir ree's..
hu hu's..
hey.. me's not tell yous taking any brides if yous got some peanut butters.. just kiddin'

okays.. see yous around
Anakin Man

Pippen said...

Your Honour,

It is my most humble request that you swing by the habitat for some very important MangoMinster information regarding the Cracker Dog competition.



♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Shall we save you the trouble of the hunt and just give you our address? BOL

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Brides... There will be BRIDES???
I don't think Ruby and Penny will allow me to have any MORE Brides.

Heather and Pumpkin said...

Hi Twink,

After reading your post, I think you should run for Chicago mayor. I would vote early and often for you.


Kitty+Coco said...

Ok, you have our word for no pee-mail bribes. We don't want that diablo in our house! Get thee behind me Pedro, saith the Mom.

Kitty and Coco

Pippen said...


Heated dog beds are de rigueur at all 5 star resorts.

Sam and Pippen

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