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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Outdoor Dog Beds | Product Review and Research

With the weather finally warming up, I'm here to share my experience and research about outdoor dog beds, in particular the Petmate dog bed and the Coolaroo dog bed. 

What is wrong with the picture?

It's kept together with bungee cord. This extra large dog bed started falling apart soon after we got it. The screws were too small and as the dogs kept jumping on and off, they initially kept getting lose until the threads wore off. I have read many reviews that state that if you contact Petmate they will provide replacement parts and on occasion they will replace the entire dog bed. In our case, we opted for the "easy fix." It may not look stylish, but it works. Because this dog bed is too hard (the bottom consists of a hard board) and because one of our dogs is old and has arthritis, we had to find a cushion that fit. The above cushion was purchased at Costco and it works great. 
The Petmate dog bed gets an average 4 stars out of five. The feedback is that it is a great concept but not durable. The price range is roughly between $35.00 and $90.00 depending on both size and where you purchase it from.   

A great contender for the Petmate dog bed is the Coolaroo dog bed. The Coolaroo is much simpler in it's construction. There are fewer complaints about it's durability and it gets 4+ stars out of five. They also sell separate covers. The one drawback is that this line of the Coolaroo does not have offer an extra large dog bed. The sizes go from small to large. The price range, again based mostly on the size is between $24.00 and $40.00, definitely less than the Petmate. Also, because of the design, you don't have to worry about extra padding. It's also rather reassuring to know that you can find replacement covers available from roughly $10.00 to $15.00. 

This model has an extra large dog bed and in that size costs approximately $80-$90.00. The aluminum frame is sturdy and non-corrosive. Again, like with the previous model, the knit fabric makes it both comfortable and breathable, also easy to clean. This extra large dog bed measures 49" by 35" fabric sleeping area.

Coolaroo makes a folding model as well, for the active families on the go. This line also does not offer an extra large dog bed

It appears that the main complaint Coolaroo owners have is the lack of the proper size for giant dogs. Elevated dog beds for large dogs are hard to find. However, based on experience and research, and since we don't own a gentle giant, yet, my next purchase will definitely be a Coolaroo. Sure, there are other brands available, like: Kuranda the chew-proof crate bed, Pet Gear's Portable Pet Cot, Guardian Gear's Pet Cot made by Pet Edge, and on and on the list goes, but based on my thorough research, I'm sticking to what seems to be both better value for my money, less maintenance, and raving reviews.  



brooke said...

thanks for the reviews. Im interested in getting an elevated bed for Dar, but she'll definitely need an XL.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh my Twinkie by those rave reviews and comparisons you made it very easy to decide what cool bed is best. Thank you friend
Benny & Lily

the magic sleigh said...

Woooos! Thanks fur the reviews, but I prefer the cool tile fur me, Scampi is the bed boy!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

for we Dachshunds... it is ELEVATED if it is more than 1/2 inch off the floor.
I have 3 chaise lounge pads... K-mart collection... that belonged to the SHORT HAIRS..before me. They don't look super... butt I find them perfect for a nice nap on the porch... UNLESS someone happens to be in the swing... then that is where I nap.
Your review was grrreat. I'm going to mention it to Lori in case she is interested for Sarge.. my butt scooting cussin'. I'm just sayin'.

Asta said...

That is some excellent weseawch and it sounds like you awe making the wight decision..I kind of think the bungee cowds add a little special design quality and make it look soopew cool.I don't have an outdoow space like you lucky pups, so i don't have one, but am glad to see you welaxing on youws
smoochie kisses

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Thanks for the pawesome review Twink. Both Jacob and I enjoy lounging outside Mama is thinking a Coolaroo might be a great investment!

Smileys and Snuggles,
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo

JacksDad said...

LOL Make sure you read Jack's blog tomorrow! :)

kks said...

thanks for the review!! i like the last one, may have to check it out...even though yours fell apart, the dogs look like they enjoy it!

Sonic said...

My day bed is just a cushion on the floor! I don't have anything fancy like that... You're so lucky!


Pat Wahler said...

Indy prefers sharing the human's bed.


Lorenza said...

Thanks for the review!
If I buy one of those... it will come with a yard attached to it to enjoy a sunny nap?? Hmmm....
Kisses and hugs

Two Pitties in the City said...

Thanks for the reviews...I always like to hear about things before buying them. That looks like one huge bed if the whole crew can fit on it.

kissa-bull said...

this was just in time cause mommish was looking for a bed for ush so we can enjoy our new backyawd more. twinkie twinkerson you's a lifesaver for sure. not the edible one but you are as sweet as the candy

pibble sugars
the pittie pack

Sagira said...

Great review!

Kate said...

Great review!

I have one similar to the coolaroo bed. But I prefer my Mummys bed more!

Smushie Ranch said...

Thanks for the reviews Twink. Ya know, mom has looked at other beds too but she keeps fixin' our old favorite. She even went and re-stuffed one of our beds because we love it so much. Go figure...

Stella, Gunther and Betty

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Thanks for the review, Twink. We don't have outside beds, but we are in the market for some new inside ones. We have had two from LL Bean for a hundred years and they are outstanding. But some puppy had too many accidents on ours when she first arrived and Mom says it is time for new ones.

Those coolaroos sound very nice - we think that is what they use at our boarding camp.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

My Mind's Eye said...

Mom and I think your Mom is very smart we like the bungee cord fix and actually it looks like a nice striping at first glance...
Give Mom a cookie for using her noodle.
Madi and Mom

Nadine, Chewy and Lilibell said...

You guys sure look comfy on that bed, butt it seems to us that Linguini is hogging most of the bed, BOL!

We liked your review of the beds. Mom actually has a friend who made a bed based on the Coolaroo design and it came out looking just like it, for less money!

Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell

Ina in Alaska said...

The top bed looks great and everyone in it looks so cute but we think we will take Frankie Flirter's suggestion and go with the chaize lounge pads for our deck. Cheaper and floofier!!!

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Great outdoor bed reviews, Twinkie! They were furry informative. We'll have to give some of them a looksee.

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Golden Samantha said...

Great post and super reviews - thanks! We just got a kuranda bed and like her new K-Mart pool, Sam does not like it whether with a bed on it or off! Maybe on a hot day (after a nice swim) she'll mosey on over to the bed and rest, elevated, without stressin' those joints! Thanks for introducing us to the others! Love the Petmate "mattress!"

Duke said...

Thank you for the reviews, Twink! Mom has seen beds like these on other dog's blogs and has considered them for us! You gave her more food for thought!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Tucker said...

From my experience the Coolaroo is stinky. It's too too small for me and I refuse to sit or lay on it period, we donated it away. If you are a big doggie Karunda beds are the ones to go with - THey are guranteed for a whold year for doggies that may be um, destructive. But I'm never destructive he he.

woof - Tucker

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