It's a dog blog, a cat blog, a cat and dog blog. Fun, reviews, dog training tips . . .

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pet Photo Contest Results And Awards

I have been having too much fun recently and the result is that I have been remiss in posting some long overdue "thank yous" and acknowledgments.

It's already been over a month since we went on our Max World Tour. I don't need to remind you about what a trip and what an emotional roller-coaster that was for all of us. I do however want to share the beautiful photo montage Asta's mother put together. I can't get enough of it. Thank you Asta and family.
Extra kudos for making me visible

Next, in the order of business and hopefully in chronological order, is the fabulous award I got from my furiends at luvbeingachihuahua. Coco, the chihuahua, initially gave it to me but now I want to thank her sister, Tiffy, too. Thank you girl-furiends!

I many not be drop dead gorgeous, but apparently my blog's beautiful

According to Coco, there are no rules attached to this award (really?) but one must pass it on to ten furiends. Well, guess what! I'm not doing it this time. I always sweat and agonize as to who to give my awards to, and then the rest of us, ehem, just put it out for grabs. So, in order to at least partially do what I'm supposed to, I'm passing this on to my 2010 furiends. That makes it easy for you to know who you are. Congratulations to the winners and welcome to my crazy world.

I had a great time, leisurely competing in Huffle's Cat-O-Lympic Event, a pawesome pet photo contest. It was too easy so I enjoyed it the most. We all got to lie back and compete from our comfortable napping positions, only problem was, Huffle asked for help picking a winner. That was too hard! Check out the beautiful badge Huffle created for this event. 
Classy, huh?

Next I attended my second Pup Scout meeting ever, from France. Captain and Candy were pawesome leaders. Ms Bailey did a fantastic demonstration, slightly off subject but useful nonetheless. 

I learned a lot about the eradication of squirrels, in case anybody needs my help. Thank you, Martine. I still love my gray squirrel though. 

The last issue I would like to address is my recent trip to France. I was invited by Mack and Sally Ann. If you've never been to Paris, I recommend you check out our trip. Not only was it a blast, it was also educational. Mack is an excellent tour guide and all he wanted for his hard work was a milk bone. What a treat, um, trip. Here, I have to apologize to my tour guide. I kinda popped back and forth from Paris to Los Angeles, because I had misplaced my itinerary. 
We're currently visiting Lyon
Photo courtesy of Mack and Sally Ann
Apparently, I look good even in pink

Thank you blog-furiends and blogland! I would never have broadened my horizons this much in a million years it if wasn't for you. 



My Mind's Eye said...

Twinkie what a fun filled post of thank yous and awards!!! The awards are well deserved my friend.
The collage of Max's world tour is truly amazing!!! OMD You and mom, Frankie and Linguini did a great job with the post.
Madi and Mom

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Whew!! Vacations always leave one with a lot to tend to upon return. Congratulations on you awards. They are lovely.
I may need to call upon your squirrely skills as I have 4 here driving me crazy. I believe we can also get a bit of help from Dory.
Perhaps you will now be able to curl up for a well deserved nap. ZZZZZZZZZZZ

BRUTUS said...

You are a better dog than me for keeping up with business! We both seem to be quite the travelers these days!! Make sure you get your address to mom so my pal Flat Brutus can hang with such a cool dog as yourself while he is travelling!!

Brutus the (3D) Frenchie

Martine said...

Great awards Twink!!

Frankie sure kept us entertained while you were off having a ball in Paris!!

You live with so many kitties, that the educational piece of the Pup Scout meeting might not have been so useful! We will try and think of something fun for you to do at the next meeting... we will put our thinking caps on! If you have any ideas please let us know!

xo martine & the kiddlets

Smushie Ranch said...

Oh my goodness Ms. Twink. You are quite the organized Chihuahua. And busy too! Hopefully you can keep my brother Gunther in line too.


Remington said...

You have great skills! Very organized....I am looking for a secretary....interested?

JacksDad said...

Wow, you have been very busy lately!

I think you deserve a cookie and a long nap! :0

Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

Oh drat, I missed that Pup Scout meeting! :-(
And hey Twink, mom says to tell you that video of you playing wiff Gunther a couple days ago was sooo cute and funny!


Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

Ehy sweetyyyyyyyyyyyy!!
We're back!!!!!
We missed you tons!!!!
How are you baby???
And your wonderful family???
Seems you have been very very busy lately!!!!
Congrats on your awards baby!!!
You deserve them because you're very very very special!!!!
You're visiting Lyon????
Are you thinking to visit Italy with your friends???
Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee.....tell them we would be soo honored to have you all as a special guest here!!!!
Let us know if you'll come here ok???!!!!!
Mommy and us have seen Beverly Hills Chihuahua yesterday!!!
What a great film!!!!
We love it and we felt like you were here with us!!!!
Next November Mommy and dad probably will come in San Diego and LA again.....maybe they could meet you!!!!
TAke care of you sweety.....we're very very very lucky to have you as a friend!!!
Tons of love and kisses to you and to your special mommy and to Linguini and Frankie!!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Congrad's on you awesome awards..
Looks like everyone had a great time on your trip...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

houndstooth said...

Wow! Twink, you were one busy girl! You even traveled with me and Mom to school today where we read your book to the class!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Twink - you did a great job getting all that stuff taken care of. Congrats on all your awards and badges and medals - outstanding!!!


Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Sagira said...

Twink, you sure do get around!
And how dare you say you may not be beautiful, you are such a cutie pie!

Congrats on all your awards.

Pat Wahler said...

You've been a busy, busy, pup! I had to take a nap after reading this post!

Deborah said...

Twink! You have some great awards and you sure do get around, in a good way!
Congratulations on everything!

Achieve1dream said...

Thanks for commenting on Chrome's video. I know I probably should have cut out some of the long clips, but I wanted to delete all of the originals and this will be the only video I have of that time together so I didn't want to edit out too much. You can't ever go back to that age with them. Does that make sense? I figured it would be okay for my first video. I'll clean my next video up a bit more and make it shorter. :) Thanks!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a great khatch up post!

It so khovered lots of khool things!

Woo are khwite khorrekht - woo do look pawesome in pink!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

Bijou said...

Hi Twink,

Terrific job! Congrats on the awards and stuff. We are so glad to have you as a furiend. Us little dogs gotta stick together.


kissa-bull said...

oh twinkie you are definately a most bewootiful blogger. congrats on your wardies
pibble sugars and wee wags
the houston pittie pack

Sonic said...

What I want to know is: WHO SAID YOU WERE NOT BEAUTIFUL???

Tell me and I will go and leave some hot chocolate sausages in their shoe!

My Pops says you should listen to that Christina Achihuahua song "Beautiful", but my Momma says she's too skanky for music.


the magic sleigh said...

Wooos Twink! Congrats on all of those awards! woo did a great job competing in the cat-Olympics!

And are woo ever the world traveler! Wooos, I am much impressed!

By the way I am beaWootiful and I Think woo are one BeaWoootiful blogger too!

-Kira The BeaWootiful

GonetoTheSnowDogs said...

Wow you have been busy busy! We managed to find a few new friends to follow while reading threw that also!

Woo Woooo
Shiloh, Shelby, and their Mom!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Very Cute!! Twinkie congratulations on all those awrds
Benny & Lily

Life With Dogs said...

Isn't it wonderful to grow with this great community? :)

Lorenza said...

Great post, Twinkie!
Are you going now on your normal schedule??
Kisses and hugs

Sketching with Dogs said...

Congrats on your awards Twink.
Whew, you are wearing us out with just watching your globetrotting.
Hope you are having tons of fun.
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx

Martha said...

Hi Twink
Great post covering lots. We loved the pic that Asta mom did - very cool.
Congratulations on your wonderful Awards all so well deserved.
Martha & Bailey xxx

Duke said...

Congratulations on all of your awards and badges and medals, Twink!
You sure have been one busy pup!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Oh my Twinkie!! You sure have been very busy! You need a nice snuggly nap now.

Have a pawsome weekend!
Woofs and Kisses!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What wonderful awards and thank yous Twink. You must be exhausted after your trip. I sure hope you are sleeping in today!


Rambo said...

What a cool blog you have! Would you be my friend??
Rambo the chi

The Oceanside Animals said...

Congratulations on your awards and your world tour!

Unknown said...

C'est Magnificient! Tres bon voyage! Next time take this ami ce vous plait?

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