It's a dog blog, a cat blog, a cat and dog blog. Fun, reviews, dog training tips . . .

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Udders | Dog Products | A Review

I noticed on several blogs that many of my furiends had discovered a new type of dog chews. I'm referring to the Udders, the latest dog chews. When I first heard of them, I thought, what a brilliant concept. I couldn't imagine anything going wrong. My furiends were raving about them, so, after an investment of $25.00, we got two hoping they would last my pack a long time. We are all big on dog chews. M got ours from Helping Udders. Once she got to their web site, shopping around for a better price stopped being an option. Helping Udders claims they donate 25% on all udder tug sales and even up to 50% on other stuff. M had arrived! She was going to make a significant purchase of a product pretty much advertised by my furiends, and pick the rescue of o choice to donate to. Brilliant, so far.
The udders finally arrived. They were wrapped neatly and each had a tag hanging from it.

Mom removed the tags, putting them aside, and handed Frankie and me the latest dog chews. I thought they smelled delicious, yet I was not that interested. 

Frankie loves and needs to chew

Frankie loved them

To make this more interesting and to get a more rounded view, M invited Bob to check out the udder, so far nobody we knew had tested them with a cat! Dog product review and cat product review are very useful when one lives in a mixed menagerie household. On to the cat products' review then.


As promised by the website

"The power of eau de bovine was unleashed"

In Bob's nose

So, day one was a success, but M was holding off on Linguini, since she's by far the biggest pack member and has the strongest jaws therefore she demolishes all dog chews so far. 
It is day three now. Linguini has yet to experience them and M is really skeptical of whether any of us will be allowed to hold on to the udders.


Having recently read about Lily's recent Nylabone mishap, M is not feeling like living on the edge. Where is the missing rubber? Luckily, Frankie decided to spit it out and M got rid of it. M is planning of cutting off the skinny part of the udder chew toy and watch us like a hawk again until she declares the chew toy "safe". 
Purposefully, M pulled out the tags to reexamine.

Aha! Nothing is 100% safe

Dog chews wrap up: Udders are neat, udders are cool, but always under supervision!!! Dogs like them, cats like them, but only under supervision. It saddens me to say but our best find in cheweys is still the pizzle, aka bully sticks. It may be costly and we go through it at a fast pace, but it's safer than anything we've ever sampled, rawhide dog chews included. This is my dog product review and you now have all my information to assist you in making a more calculated decision.

* * * 

Last day to enter the event as an active participant with a G.A.B.E. post. As of tomorrow, we just mingle and continue to have fun. Winners of the free giveaways will be announced on April 18 on the active participants' blogs. 



Draco and his Mom said...

I never heard of those udders...At first I thought it was a real cow part....those plastic things must taste like milk or something. My mom would never let me have one cause I chew plastic and wood stuff up and swallow it. I stick to flossies and texas toothpicks.
Thanks for the great review.

Two French Bulldogs said...

No living on the edge for us anymore either. We were told "Bully sticks" last forever. Try the udders, in 5 minutes I had to take them away and in the trash they went. Yikes...Kitty sure does like them..BOL
Benny & Lily

Scooter said...

Hi Twink
I have never had an udder and thanks for the info. I just kinda keep to my chewy rawhide bones, they work for me.


JacksDad said...

Yep, we discovered the same thing. They are NOT indestructible! :)

I found something called a Hurley that so far (several months) has been 99.9% indestructible. They have them here:

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

GRRREAT product review!! We've been wanting to get some udders too! Great info about the cat review. We too, have a mixed household!

Have a pawsome weekend!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Maxmom said...

Hey there Twinks
Yes...we got our first and only one from dear HONEY...after winning her Slobber-contest some time ago.
I agree with you...Wonderful BUT WITH supervision! I just adore the kitty pictures...they brought a smile to my face!

Amber and Nala said...

Hmmm, those udders look interesting...never heard of them.


brooke said...

Thanks for the review Twink! Ive been interested in getting some for Darwin after seeing everyone else with them. Maybe I'll check out that site your mom shopped trough!

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Finally, we had our ratting forum and quarry party last night, so you can put the link to our blog for GABE stuff. I hope you have fun with your new toys, and you must be careful.
Sally Ann

Stella said...

I like to chew but my Mom is not so crazy for rawhide. At our Pet and Garden store she found a rawhide made like a cigar, about 9 inches long and rolled tight. The only place you can chew it is on the ends, and you don't get much off those, so you can chew them 4-ever almost and toss them if they get too short. Its MY Chew!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Thanks fur the review - I'm not a chewer so this wasn't something Mom wanted to get fur me but it was khwite interesting to read!

PeeEssWoo: Maybe woo need one like this:

Martine said...

We didn't think to even order Udders for the kiddlets... considering all the big dogs were playing with them.

We are not aware of what these bull sticks are you reference, Candy loves all toys and she might be interested in a bull stick?!

xo martine & the kiddlets

houndstooth said...

We still haven't ordered out udders, and who knows if Mom will ever get around to it!


Lorenza said...

Good review, Twinkie!
Kisses and hugs

Peggy y Mhathy said...

Hi Twinkie, thans for the info. My mom made me my own profile to visit and follow my friends. Wags Peggy and Mhathy

Dandy Duke said...

We have an cow udder and it's one of our favorite tug toys! Mitch is always inviting mom to play with him! They go at it for awhile before I break it up! I get jealous, ya know!
Have you tried an Antlerz chew, Twink? These chews last us forever and we are both power chewers!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Smushie Ranch said...

Twink, many thanks to you and your mom for the udder product review. Those things would probably be destroyed at this house.

Much love,
Stella, Gunther and Betty

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Our udders arrived this week too, from the same place. Phantom has no interest in his, TD thinks it is fun to toss his up in the air and then wonders why it doesn't bounce like a ball. Ciara seems the most content with hers but so far she hasn't managed to break any pieces off. Thanks for the review and for the cautionary advice.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hi Twinkie, GRRRREAT product review. As you know I got my cows milky thingys at TSC... 3 for $19.99.
I gave one to my cussin Sarge who is a complete idiot and destroys EVERYTHING. He LOVES his Cows milky thingy, butt my sister Lori ALWAYS monitors him with it... SO FAR... he has not destroyed it at all. I love to chew and shake and play tug of war with mom and dad. I always make them hold the "slippery" end though. hehehe
I think ALL toys need to have two legger supervision!!
I like bully sticks... and even know where they come from..hehehe
My mom will NOT allow rawhides though. BUTT... have you ever had COW HOOVES... THEY are GRRRREAT. Mom throws them away when they start getting "little".
I sent hooves to my wimmen and their cussin Daisey. They have never said it they like them.

Anonymous said...

This is a very much wonderful review, Twink! As you know, I am a Most Excellent toy destroyer so I do wonder how they would stand up to my Impressive Iron Jaws of Destruction. I will make sure my mom watches me most carefully if we gets one of those cuz I can kinda get carried away.

Wiggles & Wags,

PeeS. I have missed you, too! But I know you must be awful busy with GABE and the other stuffs you do. Just stops by whenever you get a chance!

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Hi Twink,
Our last post was our Gabe post. Mommy isn't sure what to do now.
Sally Ann

the booker man said...

miss twinkie,
thanks for the udder review! i'm still waitin' for mama and daddy to get some for me and asa.
oh yeah, and BOL at bob!!
the booker man

Kate said...


Thanks for your honest review Twinkie! Everything is good if supervised!!

Hope your enjoying your supervised Udders! And the cat too!


Yas said...

Hmmm..interesting. Never heard of
them but thanks for the review!


Dexter said...

I hate that always under snoopervision crap. Means most of my most happy making toys are usually locked up.


BRUTUS said...

Thanks for the review, guys! From what you've shown, the udder would never hold up to my superjaws - I'd have the whole thing in my belly. Mom says I already need more than enough supervision as it is, so no udders for me. The perfect, indestructible chew toy is out there somewhere, I just know it is!!

Brutus the Frenchie

My Mind's Eye said...

Twinkie oh my stars...what will they think of next!!!!
When we read the title we thought you guys were going to milk some that would be a story.
Bob certainly sunk his claws into them!!! Way to go Bob
Happy Sunday Madi and mom

KB said...

We tried udders also. Although the dogs loved them, they started destroying them almost instantly. So for a tough-chewing lab, they aren't strong enough... But, for smaller or more mellow dogs, they might be great!

I loved seeing that your cat liked them.

Alas, my life has been just too out of control to join GABE as an active participant. Next year, I promise!!!! Thanks for putting on such a great event.

Sagira said...

Thank you for the great review.
Never heard of these things before.
Love that the cat liked them to. :)

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! That's a huge chew toy ... I don't think I can handle that especially if it does not involve any food in it.
We're trying to caught up with all the GABE participants ... I've gotten sick cause by bunny poops ... but feeling much better n learned a lesson. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

The Oceanside Animals said...

"I will hug it and kiss it and name it George ..."

parlance said...

I guess all chewing toys need the humans to be nearby to supervise. It's a bother, though.

3 doxies said...

Ooooops, I seems to have missed this Saturday Evening Post...get it, Da Saturday Evening Post. Ok well then. Nw dis here was udderly informative. When I furst heard bout these thingies I thoughts everybuddy was talkin bout cow boobs.

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